in partnership with Michigan State University

Send cash to moms and babies in Flint, Michigan

Two-thirds of kids in Flint, MI are growing up in poverty – 5x the U.S. average.

We can break this cycle and invest in Flint’s next generation by giving families what they truly need: cash. Together, our impact in Flint can help transform the way we support families in poverty across the country.

Update: delivered first cash payments on Feb. 1st. More on program launch via PBS →

You can help close our funding gap to reach every new family in Flint for the next 5 years.

Every year, around 1,200 children are born in Flint into families facing food insecurity and unequal access to healthcare. These first months of life are critical for a baby’s development; it’s also when their families are struggling the most.

Together, we can deliver $7,500 to the mother of every single infant born in Flint – with no strings attached.

  • Every mom living in Flint will receive $1,500 during their pregnancy to spend on food, prenatal care, rent, or whatever they need most.
  • After giving birth, moms will receive $500/month for their baby’s first year to cover formula, diapers, childcare, and everything else.

Rx Kids is the first citywide effort in the U.S. to tackle the leading social determinant of health: poverty. Join other donors helping catalyze communitywide change in Flint and beyond.

Interested in enrolling to receive funds?

A whole-of-society hug, Rx Kids fulfills a promise to our babies that we can do better to preserve and protect their tomorrows. As a pediatrician, Rx Kids is the science-based and prevention-driven answer to treat the pathogen of poverty.
Cash is proven to work – especially in the hands of new moms.

Hundreds of studies show that unconditional cash transfers can be life-changing across countries and contexts. Mothers and babies are no different, and early intervention is shown to have sustained health and development impacts years after cash is delivered.

Rx Kids will be the first evaluation of a citywide cash program aimed at mothers and babies. We plan to measure impacts at the individual and community level, including on maternal and infant health, local employment and investment, the rate of people moving in and out of Flint, and more.

Let’s reimagine how society supports families and children.

We know cash works for families in need – the Expanded Child Tax Credit helped keep 3.7M children out of poverty. Yet Congress failed to renew the credit and other direct cash assistance programs only reach 21% of eligible families in need.

Flint is just the beginning. If we can demonstrate the power of citywide cash to address Flint’s profound economic and health inequities, we can spark a national movement to shift more resources directly to families and ensure every baby has the opportunity to thrive.

Funders & Endorsements

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to receive funds? Can I enroll?

All expectant mothers in Flint who are 20+ weeks pregnant are eligible to enroll, as well as all infants up to 6 months old born in 2024.

If you’re interested in enrolling to receive funds, complete this form.

How much money will mothers receive?

$7,500 total. This will include one-time, $1,500 transfers upon enrollment during pregnancy, followed by 12 monthly payments of $500 during their infant’s first year of life.

Can dads or non-birthing parents receive payments?

Only birthing parents can receive the prenatal payment, as it’s intended to support development in utero. Infant payments are intended to follow the child, so if a birthing parent is not the baby’s primary caregiver, the primary caregiver, including fathers, adoptive and foster parents, and other non-birthing parents, can sign up for the program.

When will people receive the money?

We aim to begin enrolling and paying mothers and babies in early 2024.

How long will the program run?

We’re aiming to deliver cash to Flint families for 5+ years; current funding commitments will enable us to run the program for at least four years. By becoming an Rx Kids founding donor, you’re helping bridge this gap to ensure we can reach ~6,000 new moms and babies through 2029. Running Rx Kids for five years requires $55M in total funding to cover cash transfers, program expenses, and impact evaluation.

How will we study the program’s impact?

Researchers at Michigan State University-Hurley Children’s Hospital Pediatric Public Health Initiative and Poverty Solutions at the University of Michigan will conduct a mixed methods evaluation that includes quantitative analysis and interviews with participating mothers. We aim to isolate the impacts of the transfers from other factors by including a comparison group of babies born outside of Flint.

Are donations tax-deductible?

Yes, donations are tax-deductible in the United States. GiveDirectly is a registered 501(c)(3), and our U.S. federal EIN is 27-1661997.

We accept all major credit and debit cards, PayPal, checks, wires, stocks, cryptocurrencies, and more. Reach out to us at [email protected] for more information on ways to give.

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