Cash Relief for Kenya Flood Survivors
Donate directly to Kenyan families impacted by floods so they can rebuild and recover.
Update: Currently delivering donations to Kenyans in need — support future emergency relief responses here.
You can send funds directly to the hardest-hit villages in rural Kenya.
Recent floods and landslides have displaced nearly half a million Kenyan families and destroyed communities and homes across most of the country. Our team has delivered cash to people in poverty in Kenya since 2011 and our operations, staff, and thousands of previous recipients have been directly impacted by the devastating floods.
We’re now delivering cash relief to flood survivors across 9 villages in rural Baringo County, where we’ve worked since 2022.

In Baringo, 2,300+ families where most were already living on under $2/day and now face new challenges after the floods:
- Unsafe shelter – ~70% of homes in these villages were completely or partially destroyed
- Food scarcity – their farms were all destroyed and most livestock were injured or lost in the wake
- No market access – some markets are functioning, but residents cannot afford transportation
- Loss of income – income sources are gone and they urgently need cash to rebuild
Your donations will be delivered as cash to help ~530 families rebuild their livelihoods.
Each family will receive ~$850 via digital transfer to spend and invest on what they need most, including:
- Housing – with ~$350, people can build more resilient homes with iron sheets
- Medical care – families aren’t able to afford a ~$3 mototaxi to reach local hospitals
- Education – local schools are still open, but parents have to choose between food and paying school fees for their children
- Moving to higher ground – some residents are planning to relocate in anticipation of future floods

If for any reason we are unable to deliver all funds to flood survivors, donations will be delivered to other Kenyan families in poverty.
Frequently Asked Questions
What if we raise more or less than the fundraising goal?
Any excess funds will help us deliver cash to more people in Kenya, with the goal of funding ~530 families across 9 villages with ~$504,000 total.
GiveDirectly will allocate internal funds to make up the gap between our fundraising and the total needed to ensure every family receives funds. No matter what, your donations will end up in the hands of families in extreme poverty.
How much will each family receive?
Every eligible household in the village will receive 110,000 in Kenyan shillings (~$850), sent directly to their mobile phone accounts. Read more about the payment process here.
When will people receive my donation?
We expect to begin delivering cash in July.
What is GiveDirectly?
We’re a non-profit that lets you send money directly to the world’s poorest, no strings attached. In the last decade, we’ve delivered cash to over 1.5 million people across 15 countries and research the impact it can have for families in need.
What if I’d like to make a major gift or help fund more villages?
We’d love to hear from you! Reach out to us at [email protected].
Is my donation tax-deductible?
Yes, donations are tax-deductible in the United States. We accept all major credit and debit cards, PayPal, checks, wires, stocks, cryptocurrencies, and more.
If you’re giving outside the U.S., you can still give to this campaign, but your gift may not be tax-deductible. You can donate via our international partners to claim tax benefits, but due to partner processing delays those donations may not come in before the campaign ends.
Reach out to us at [email protected] with any questions or for more information on ways to give.