The neglected climate change solution

A worsening cycle of storms and drought is threatening safety and food supply for many in southern Africa. Tropical Storm Ana struck Malawi in January, washing away nearly 200K acres of crops and displacing hundreds of thousands of people. Four more large storms have swept through the area since. GiveDirectly is providing emergency cash relief […]


Our diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts

Racism, colonialism, and other forms of discrimination surround most aspects of international nonprofit work. At its most aspirational, GiveDirectly challenges a primarily white-led aid sector to hand over more power to the people it exists to help. However, we continue to look at our organization through a critical lens to disentangle our work from this […]


We’ve reached 1 million households in poverty and counting

We sent a cash transfer to our 1 millionth household this fall. In 2011, our first year operating, we paid… 99. See the growth in real time: The very first GiveDirectly payment ever Below is GiveDirectly’s co-founder Rohit Wanchoo making our very first test payment ever. Before we were instantly enrolling and paying tens of thousands people at […]


The story of Eunice and 144 more in the Kibera program

Eunice lives in the Kibera slums of Nairobi, Kenya and was one of 494 people who received ~$1,125 between November 2020 and June 2021 as part of a GiveDirectly COVID-19 relief program focused on entrepreneurs.  This program, funded by, provided women with cash transfers plus elective budgeting and entrepreneurial training from SHOFCO, a local […]